Cristea Roberts Gallery is delighted to announce a new solo exhibition by Vicken Parsons, her first in the UK for four years. Vicken Parsons: Time (25 April – 2 June 2024) will feature twenty-five new paintings made over the last three years. These works mark a new development in the artist’s practice which continues to investigate the possibility of the two-dimensional plane as a place of depth, breadth and potential. 'Vicken Parsons: TIME' coincides with the publication of the artist’s first retrospective monograph, a 296-page publication featuring works from throughout her career including drawings, paintings and sculpture. Texts by fellow...
  • Vicken Parsons (b. 1957) is a British artist who studied at the Slade School of Fine Art, London. She makes...
    Vicken Parsons in her studio, London, 2023. Courtesy Cristea Roberts Gallery, London. Photo: Maxwell Anderson
    Vicken Parsons (b. 1957) is a British artist who studied at the Slade School of Fine Art, London. She makes small, intimate paintings on wood panel using thin layers of oil paint. Her subjects are usually of landscapes or architectural spaces, some remembered and others imagined.

    Recent solo exhibitions include ...