'Normal Life' continues artist Heesoo Kim’s considered study of human nature. The characters in his work are distinguished by impassive faces and a statuesque presence, but with an emotive resonance that speaks to their hidden inner worlds. Kim is motivated to create a neutral space onto which others can project their private thoughts or anxieties, as he is aware that observations of modern life equate to observations of rapid societal change and its accompanying uncertainties, and wishes to provide audiences with a space of understanding and serenity. The neutrality of his characters belies the turmoil of their inner worlds. Whereas...
  • Heesoo Kim (b. 1984) received his BFA in Advertising and Design from KONKUK University. Kim worked in video and photography...

    Heesoo Kim (b. 1984) received his BFA in Advertising and Design from KONKUK University. Kim worked in video and photography until his career as an artist began at the age of thirty. His artistic practice focuses primarily on what it is to be human, isolating universal human experiences through bold portraiture.


    Today, Kim is a pioneering artist who has had solo exhibition...